
Children’s Church Games

Children’s church games, especially group games can be challenging at times. I know, I was the games leader at our church’s mid week program for about four years. During that time I cooked up a few games and activities that I would like to share with you here. While I refer to these games as “Children’s Church Games” that doesn’t mean they should necessarily be restricted to children’s church, or just children, or just church. Actually, some of the activities here you would definitely not want to play at kid’s church. In particular the slime events you will probably want to hold off on for some other time.

Here’s a quick tip to add a little extra zip to the higher energy games. Play some up beat Christian rock music while you are playing the game. Maybe some Stephen Curtis Chapman or Third Day. The kids love the music and it works well as a signal as to when to start and stop playing the game. Initially, I had not played the music much with the younger kids thinking that they wouldn’t really care one way or another about it. It turns out they probably enjoyed the games with the music most of all of the ages. I could hardly get the word GO out of my mouth before one of them was asking to have the music on.

You’re welcome to use these games and activities in your programs and pass them on to your friends. In return I ask only a few things. If someone asks “Where did you get that cool game?” tell them “I found it at”. Please don’t copy these kids games and activities to another web site. But, feel free to link to this site. Let me know how things work out for you. I would be happy to hear how the games and activities went with your kids and any suggestions you may have for improvements. And lastly, if you have a game you would like to share, send it in to me. I will give you fill acknowledgment on the web page with your game. This acknowledgment can be your email address, name or whatever you would like listed with your games. You can email me at

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